Sep 20, 2013

Writing Again . . .

Well if any followers are left (not that I think I had any to begin with), I'm going to start writing and posting again!

As always, things have been a little crazy, and unfortunately some not-so-good things happened within my family. Everyone is OK, but it was a rough few weeks. And, as those days were never ending and miserably unhappy, I've come to realize that I really do enjoy writing. I don't know if I'm good at it or really what to write, but I'm going to make a dedicated effort to this little blog. 

So, I'm going to recap my last work trip - a trip to Miami University in Oxford, Ohio to recruit!!

It's not Ohio State, but it's still fun to get out of the office and be back on campus! Plus, I get to see some co-workers that I don't see very often. And more than anything, I enjoy talking to all of the young energetic kids ready to enter the workforce (boy I feel OLD). 

(Yes, this is what we did for 4 hours Wednesday afternoon)

Not going to lie, the highlight of the trip is ALWAYS Bagel and Deli


And I got to eat there twice! And most importantly, I tried something new. 

I'm not only one of the pickiest eaters, but I'm always SUPER nervous to try new things when I'm traveling for fear they will upset my stomach. But I made a great choice because it was delicious and I had no tummy troubles. 

Back to the grind today, but very much enjoyed the 2 day break to be "at college" again.

If you are a follower, stay tuned, because I WILL stay committed this time and blog on a regular basis. Enjoy the weekend!! 

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